Monthly Archives: November 2021

How to Avoid Greenwashing by Making a Real Impact

Companies that value sustainability want to show their customers and investors that they are taking steps to decrease their carbon footprint. Unfortunately, some industries have gained a reputation for misrepresenting their activities, or “greenwashing.”. This unfortunate practice makes it harder and harder for legitimate carbon reduction activities to be recognized by the public, so it’s

By |2021-11-18T16:28:00+00:00November 18th, 2021|ESG, Carbon Reduction|Comments Off on How to Avoid Greenwashing by Making a Real Impact

RECs vs Offsets

Many organizations today are turning to RECs and carbon offsets as means of reducing their carbon footprint. RECs, or Renewable Energy Certificates, are commonly purchased by organizations to reduce the carbon footprint of their electricity. Carbon offsets also work to reduce an organization’s overall carbon emissions. These two methods of carbon footprint reduction are frequently

By |2021-11-18T15:29:59+00:00November 1st, 2021|Carbon Reduction, Renewable Energy|Comments Off on RECs vs Offsets
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