In June of last year, FirstEnergy implemented a new incentive program for commercial and industrial customers looking to install LED lighting and controls in their facilities. Applications are due to FirstEnergy no later than May 15, 2024, for both existing buildings and new construction, but applying as soon as possible is recommended as funds are limited.


The program has incentives for LED fixtures, both interior and exterior, at $0.05 per kWh saved. There are also dollars available for LED lamps, exit signs, and custom lighting.


There have been recent updates to the program that have added new tiered incentives for any new application that includes lighting controls. These additional control incentives are only available until April 30th.


The tiers are as follows:

  • Tier 1 – Zoned control earns an additional $0.05 per kWh saved.
  • Tier 2 – Fixture level control earns an additional $0.08 per kWh saved.
  • Tier 3 – Network lighting controls earn an additional $0.10 per kWh saved.


This program can be integrated with other available incentives to help drive down the costs of your LED lighting installation. If you would like assistance accessing this funding, please email Claire Wilson ([email protected]).