The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) assists Ohio farmers and rural small businesses by providing financial support for investing in renewable energy systems and making energy efficiency improvements to reduce their operational costs. REAP recipients are eligible for grants covering up to 50% of costs for qualifying projects.


Viridi’s team has expertise in the grant writing process and works closely with the USDA to ensure our clients maximize their funding opportunities. We are excited to announce six of our clients have recently received project funding through a REAP grant!

Superior Aluminum Products in Russia, Ohio, secured a $58,459 grant to upgrade their HVAC system with a more energy-efficient model. This initiative is projected to save the company $36,334 annually and reduce energy consumption by nearly 35%, equating to 842,819 kilowatt hours (kWh), enough to power 83 homes.

E.S. Evans and Company, located in Lima, Ohio, received a $39,015 grant to install an energy-efficient roof on one of its leased buildings. The project is expected to save the business $393 per year and conserve 23,114 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, offsetting 49% of the building’s annual energy use.

The Medina County Economic Development Corporation in Medina, Ohio, was awarded a $100,000 Rural Energy for America Program Technical Assistance Grant. This funding will assist at least 20 agricultural producers and rural small businesses in Medina, Wayne, and surrounding counties with their REAP applications.

Ashtabula Dental Associates, in Ashtabula, Ohio, obtained a $42,740 grant to install energy-efficient LED lighting and upgrade insulation. This project is anticipated to save the company $10,873 annually and cut nearly 82% of its yearly energy usage.

Pendragon Development Company, LLC, a home developer in Morrow, Ohio, received a $115,332 grant to install a 58-kilowatt (kW) ground-mounted solar array. This installation is projected to save $8,700 annually and replace 79,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, covering 89% of the company’s yearly energy consumption.

Hi Tech Extrusions Ltd. in Chardon, Ohio, was granted $13,389 to replace outdated lighting with energy-efficient LED systems. This project is expected to save the business nearly $13,400 annually and conserve 72,400 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, amounting to nearly 47% of its annual energy use.


About REAP

Congress created REAP as part of the 2008 Farm Bill, combining previous energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Reauthorized in the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills, the program expanded in 2022 through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), providing additional funding for rural businesses and producers to lower costs.

The next deadline to apply for REAP is September 30th, 2024. If you submit your application by this deadline, you will be eligible for the 50% project cost grant and can use these funds for up to two years. If you are considering upgrades at your facility, don’t miss out on this substantial funding opportunity.


For Help Accessing REAP Funding

For more information on REAP, and other project funding opportunities email Claire Wilson (